Holistic core and restore - 4th Trimester

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Joining the 4th trimesTeR MEMBERSHIP

From 36weeks you will be invited to join the 4th Trimester group, continuing your journey from Pregnancy yoga classes into preparing for birth and the 4th Trimester. Yogasisters will support you from the transition into Motherhood and then when you are ready back into Mother and Baby postnatal yoga sessions. Moving onto Holistic Core and Restore from 10wks onwards (its never to late to join Every Woman HCR).

If you are not attend pregnancy yoga or have recently had your baby and wish to join the 4th Trimester programme please feel free to book in a call and we can let you know how to join us:

If you are already a 4th Trimester member please click here to go the Members page.to access all the content.